The Bread Basket

Updates from the Pan de Vida mission.

Abuelita's Oven

November, 2020 
Hey! I’m back and with a praise report!! Hallelujah!!!!! God is Good! God places good people along side you in the ministry to hold you up. and I have many.  I’m beyond blessed!! I don’t think I have enough paper to write every body’s name and how much they have blessed the kids, the women, and me. I just want to make mention of 4 men after God’s own heart!! That have been with me through thick and thin, since the beginning of time. 1998-2000 when PDV was just getting started, they joined me in Gods calling for PDV in these years and have been with me till this day.  Going forward, they have, like many more, continued to be faithful to God’s calling and joined with PDV in loving and caring for us. God is so good! These 4 men are four pillars that the Lord placed by my side in the Ministry. They have seen me in different phases of the ministry seeing my good side and they have seen my bad side.  HaHa!  They are men who showed me what the true meaning of friend ship and supporting each other in brotherly love really means.  There are also many sisters and brothers who have played big roles in my life and mean the world to me,  but these 4 men have been practically from the beginning, and the Lord put it on my heart to bring it to memory to them, Please join me in praying for them & their families, Praising God for being the Pioneers for PDV!! Though I don't want to take their heavenly reward, so their initials are S. W. R. & M.   They arrived when God brought them!! But like everyone they are a blessing!! Honorable men of God!! PDV loves you and appreciates you !!

At the end of October,  The Lord blessed PDV With a 2008 Ford van in excellent condition.  It was sent to us from St. Louis, Missouri by the Smith family with Arnold from Focus on Missions. Thank you !!!! Brother Steve and Sister Judy! Love you always!!!

We received 50 new headphones, splitters, and 2 "new" computers for the children to do their schoolwork & virtual learning!!

Previous Updates

October 2020

Kneading the Dough

We need to replace the 2 water pumps. The one behind the front building (office) and the back pump for the children's dorms. 

The pumps can be ordered at Lowe’s or Home Depot and  shipped it to Esther's U.S. address or monetary donations can be used to purchase them.

The Muffin Tin

October Birthdays

Rosy Oct. 7

Teresita Oct. 18

Esteban Oct. 27

Virtual Learning 2020-2021 School Year
Tables are chairs were moved from the dorms and the one classroom to the kitchen to do learning each day. 
We are blessed to have wifi and computers to complete our studies. 
As noted in our prayer needs, we can use a few more computers to allow the children to have 2-3 on a computer instead of 4-5 children per computer.  We have someone who can upgrade and prepare computers less than 5 years old for student use.  Let us know if you can help. 

Rosa is in her 3rd year as a Civil Engineering student at University

2020 Graduates

Gonzalo graduated from Hight School and is studying Education at the Univeristy
Manual, David & Estrella graduated from Juinor High School


Guillermo, America, and Alma are in second year of high school
Andrea graduated grade school and is first year of junior high school