The Bread Basket

Updates from the Pan de Vida mission.

Abuelita's Oven

 August/September 2021

Hello everyone, 

We are back, blessed, living in victory!! I would like to let everybody know that one of the reasons I haven’t been posting the newsletter was because May and June I came down with COVID.  Who knows which one, but I came out positive.  I was very sick but the Lord saw me through. I didn’t go to the hospital and I was able to be taken care of at home. I had oxygen and medication.  The Lord and Conrado were with me.  We praise the Lord that he came out negative, thought he had to stay in quarantine with me.  He was he was such a blessing.  I did not have to go through it alone. I also want to thank everybody that prayed for me.  Your prayers were answered and now I am up and almost fully recovered and ready to go praise the Lord.  God is so good!! Thank you Jesus for another opportunity continue in your service.

Tere and the women were a blessing by keeping the shelter and children in order. They took care of everything that needed to be administered. God is so good!!

Here are a few updates from PDV:
Manuel went to live with his grandmother and his older sister who are Christians and attend to church. When he visited her two years ago he went to a Christian summer camp and came back and told us about all the things that he did at the camp which were awesome. Though we miss him, he left at the end of June, we have been in contact with him, and he has been doing good.  Praise God!

Now we’re about to get ready to go back to school.  We get uniforms, notebooks, pencils, and many other supplies.  in order getting the needed number of school-time hours, The children will probably go to school some days and some days learn online.  This depends on how COVID is up here.  All the kids are healthy and the adults are healthy.  We are blessed. God is still on the throne. 

Adriana and Merari both graduated from high school in May.  We are proud of them! Adriana wants to continue studying.  Merari is going to work for a while.  She said maybe next year she will continue studying. Merari left at the end of July after her graduation.  She was so happy to go with her aunt who is also a Christian godly woman and they have no children. I talked to her about a week ago and she was about to go for a job interview.  Wow God is so good to His children!  We are so happy for her. 

In Auguste we took in six new children and a new mother.  Two of the children belong to her and the other four children came without a mother.  We currently have 17 children and five women at the shelter.  We are blessed to continue to minister to more children and mothers.  

Please pray for us first, and then consider helping us financially to minister in HIs Name to those that the Lord places in our shelter.  

You all be blessed,
Sister Esther

The Muffin Tin

May Birthdays

Isabel   age 7

Ismael   age 7

June Birthdays 

Ruth  age 11

Miyera  age 11

Isaac age 11

Kneading the Dough

Right now as we work toward accreditation with the state department, we have many needs. 

1. We are blessed to be provided the cost to fix the leaks in the roof.  But now we need to repair the damage that the leaking water caused (see the pictures below).  We need new plaster and wall repairs thought the children's dormitory.  The cost is 8750 pesos for materials and 9,000 pesos for about or about $1,000 American.

2. The blessings of a van has created a need to get the van registered in Mexico.  The taxes & title will be very expensive.  It costs about

3.  We also look forward to celebrating graduations this year and hope for provision for that as well. 

Give to PDV

Blessing of Water!!

We are blessed to have water flowing at PDV again!!  We were able to have the cistern pump fixed and a new pump was donated for the front houses and kitchen.