The Bread Basket

Updates from the Pan de Vida mission.

Abuelita's Oven

October 14, 2020 
The Lord called me into the ministry with Joshua 1:5 "All the days of your life, no one will stand against thee. As I was with Moses I will be with thee, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."
The Lord knew where I was going and the challenges I would have to face, but He also new that since the day I said "if you are God then here’s my heart! Change it!!!" He did !! 

Because from that day, I believed in Him!! I started my journey to God’s heart; I learned to love Him, believe in His word, and in His faithfulness. When He gave me Joshua 1:5. I said "that’s all I needed Lord!! You lead, I’ll follow!!" And till this day He has been faithful, and I trust Him with my life.

He leads, I follow. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!!!

Kneading the Dough

As of October 2020, we are taking care of 20 children and three women considered staff, maintenance worker, and director, Tere, and 4 dogs and 2 cats.

The Muffin Tin

Virtual Learning 2020-2021 School Year
Tables are chairs were moved from the dorms and the one classroom to the kitchen to do learning each day. 
We are blessed to have wifi and computers to complete our studies. 
As noted in our prayer needs, we can use a few more computers to allow the children to have 2-3 on a computer instead of 4-5 children per computer.  We have someone who can upgrade and prepare computers less than 5 years old for student use.  Let us know if you can help. 

Rosa is in her 3rd year as a Civil Engineering student at University

2020 Graduates

Gonzalo graduated from Hight School and is studying Education at the Univeristy
Manual, David & Estrella graduated from Juinor High School


Guillermo, America, and Alma are in second year of high school
Andrea graduated grade school and is first year of junior high school