The Bread Basket

Updates from the Pan de Vida mission.

Abuelita's Oven

 March 2021

Hello everyone, 

We are baking up some spring cleaning and getting ready to move things around. To the right, we introduce our new family members, ducklings Ganso and Ganza. haha!! Also you can see our four baby chicks (we haven’t named them yet) . We are getting ready to do some planting and repairs to the buildings.  We are excited, looking forward to Gods provision, and can’t wait to see how he does it! He is so awesome!!! Just this winter he provided pumps, a plumber, and now we have running water.  We still need to do so much, but we take His provision one day at a time! The projects coming next are repairing walls, replacing windows and screens,  and draining the septic tanks.  It costs $100 just to drain 2 of them; but that’s no biggie because my God is greater!!!!!! Amen!! 

We are also putting up three ceiling fans that were donated to help with the heat of the summers.   We still have to transfer the title to the new van to PDV,  and unfortunately it cost a lot of money to make it Mexican.   And then we also have graduations for the month of June and July. Adriana and Merari will be graduating from prepa-high school this year!! WOW!! I remember when Adraina arrived at just 3 years old and Merari was 4 and a half.  How time goes by!  

Please hope you all continue to keep in touch through our website.  You can also call, email, or Facebook message.  We are expecting great things from the Lord! Believe! For with Him nothing is impossible!!!!

You all be blessed,
Sister Esther

The Muffin Tin

March Birthdays

Estrella     March 25

Gema    March 26

Kneading the Dough

Right now as we work toward accreditation with the state department, we have many needs. 

1. We are blessed to be provided the cost to fix the leaks in the roof.  But now we need to repair the damage that the leaking water caused (see the pictures below).  We need new plaster and wall repairs thought the children's dormitory.  The cost is 8750 pesos for materials and 9,000 pesos for about or about $1,000 American.

2. The blessings of a van has created a need to get the van registered in Mexico.  The taxes & title will be very expensive.  It costs about

3.  We also look forward to celebrating graduations this year and hope for provision for that as well. 

Give to PDV

Blessing of Water!!

We are blessed to have water flowing at PDV again!!  We were able to have the cistern pump fixed and a new pump was donated for the front houses and kitchen.