The Bread Basket

Updates from the Pan de Vida mission.

Abuelita's Oven

September 2022

Hello everyone, 

2022 has been a good year so far! We have been blessed this year just like every other year as we continue to live in victory in Christ!  Read along to see what all the Lord is doing at Pan De Vida, Matamoros, Mexico.

On April 30th, we had a wonderful children’s activity for the Mexico celebration, Dia del Niño, the Day of the Child. We had trampolines, inflatables, wrestlers come and do a show for the kids, games, and lots of food. It was a blessing to show the children how much God loves His children.

In May and June we had two awesome groups come visit and serve the ministry. We appreciate the college students from Calvary Corpus, Indiana and from King's Porch in Austin, Texas.  They both did awesome work!  To update the property, they cut down the palm tree and planted some new trees including a lemon tree,  an orange tree, an almond tree, and tulip tree.  The orange trees are already growing a lot of fruit!  Praise God!! We are so blessed and grateful for their service including putting a fresh coat of beautiful paint on the outside of the kitchen. Shortly after they left, we had the roof on the kitchen and on the front house and school rooms scraped, resealed, and painted.  Thank you to King's Porch for donating the money for us to update these roofs to last for years to come.  We thank you, Lord, for your kindness and love through these workers.

Every child at PDV passed their classes this year and are going on to their next grade level.  Praise God and thank you to the house moms and teachers who help them with their studies.  

We also celebrated Edgar's baptism into the faith of Jesus.  Welcome to the family of God, Edgar! 

In August guess who had a birthday ? (ABUELITA) Ha ha ha Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me! hee hee The staff an kids got me a delicious cake and we celebrated together.  Two other children celebrated their birthdays and got their own cakes too.  It was also time for the children to go back to school on August 29th.  It was a controlled Chaos!!  It took many hand to get 18 backpacks ready with all the school supplies labeled with their names (notebooks, pencils, crayons, sharpeners, scissors, etc.) and also the lunch packs and uniforms etc. That is a lot of packing! haha!

Now, vacations are over and we are back to our regular routines with wake up at 5 A.M. and back in bed at 8 P.M.  We are still in need of school supplies if you can help: toilet paper, sandwich bags, hand sanitizer (small ones for backpacks), writing paper, copy paper for printing, printer cartridge # 61, construction paper (all colors), travel toothbrush, travel toothpaste, snacks, ink pens, roll on glue, spray on body perfume (fruit flavors if possible), hair gel (lots of it), hand soap for the house in liquid or bar, water fruit flavor packs, and fruit juice packs.  **NO PENCILS needed**

Donations can be made online:

Last but not least, brother Randy Rives and the Rives family (Rives Constructions) still blesses us with meat !

You all be blessed,
Sister Esther

 Download the list HERE

Kneading the Dough


Praise God that we have Edgar to work on the PDV property. We need to do a lot of repairs including: painting, putting up screens, plumbing, having the septic tanks emptied, putting new lines for the sewer, wash the kitchen roof and repaint, window glass replaced, and screens replaced too.  The weather and COVID have made it hard to get these things done, but hopefully they can be done by beginning of March.  We can use money to get the supplies and pay Edgar for the great work that he is doing. 

Prayer needs:
For materials 
For wisdom 
For strength 
For favor and grace with all authority and documents that have to be filled out 
and that we can be a testimony to those who don’t believe that all things are possible with God!!! 

Give to PDV

Scraping, Sealing, and Painting the Roof

Thank you to Kings Porch in Austin, Texas for providing for this update to be done!

Dia del Niño

Updates to the Property

New paint and some new trees to provide food for our children and moms

Graduation & Summer Vacation

We had 3 graduate to different grades and we visited a pool during our summer break. 
Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for all He is doing in our children.

The Muffin Tin

February Birthdays

Gonzalo age 20

April Birthdays 

Deborah age 16